Supervision Guidelines
This elective course covers the duties and responsibilities of Licensees and Persons-In-Charge. It includes their qualifications, the way of acquiring their licences and supervisions guidelines while in practice.
Supervision Guidelines
Licensee in Charge
Part A Introduction
Part B Definitions
1 Licensee in Charge
2 Requirement to Prepare Operational Procedures
3 Trust Account Procedures
4 Identification Check for the Purposes of fraud
5 Ongoing Dealings with Parties to an Agency
6 Sale of Residential Property - Selling Price and Other
7 Complaint Handling Procedures
8 Employee Supervision
9 Gifts and Benefits Register
10 Record Keeping
Part D Offence Provisions
SUPERVISION GUIDELINES - Under s32 of the Property and Stock Agents Act 2002
Elective CPD Supervision Guidelines - PDF
FORM: Gifts and Benefits Register
The Supervision Guidelines are a set of requirements, duties and responsibilities expected from Licensees and Persons-in-Charge of businesses. It explains the proper conduct of supervising by employers and employers towards their colleagues and clients.
A candidate is expected to:Responsibilities and functions of key personnel in business
How do professionally handle complaints in the workplace
Efficient employee supervision
The necessary procedures needed to protect clients from fraud
Class 1 - Licence individual holders must complete three (3) hours of compulsory learning topics each year*
Class 2 - Licence individual holders also must complete three (3) hours of compulsory learning topics each year*
*Completion of this course would be through written questions and responses to test a candidate’s skill and knowledge in providing supporting evidence of competence.